Spanish ALMA day
Starting Date: 18/02/2025 Ending Date: 20/02/2025 Venue: Tenerife, Spain Meeting Webpage The event is designed to provide information about the next ALMA observing cycle (Cycle 12) as well as [...]
Lanzamiento del programa piloto “RIAtos de Café”
Tras el éxito de la reunión "Promoviendo sinergias entre grandes observatorios españoles", celebrada en La Palma en octubre de 2023, y con el objetivo de continuar fomentando el intercambio de ideas, soluciones [...]
SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2024
Starting Date: 16/06/2022 Ending Date: 21/06/2024 Venue: Yokohama, Japan Meeting Webpage Discover the latest technological innovations in telescopes and astronomical instrumentation linked to our ICTCs [...]
III Meeting Forum Between the Science Industry and the ICTS
Date: 13/06/2024 Venue: Madrid Meeting Webpage Annual meeting forum between the Science industry and the ICTS in the areas of particle physics, astronomy, and fusion, which on [...]
50 Aniversario de Calar Alto
(We apologize, this information is only available in Spanish)
Exitosa primera reunión “Red de Infraestructuras de Astronomía: promoviendo sinergias entre grandes observatorios españoles. I.”
(We apologize, this information is only available in Spanish)
Instrumentation Census in the Spanish Astronomical Facilities
RIA has prepared the “Instrumentation Census in the Spanish Astronomical Facilities”, a compilation of all instruments available to the astronomical community in the Spanish astronomical facilities as of May 2023. This census is [...]
ASTRONET Science Vision and Infrastructure Roadmap 2022-2035
The new ASTRONET report sets out recommendations to guide investment priorities fostering our understanding of the Universe in the next decades. The ASTRONET Science Vision and Infrastructure Roadmap 2022-2035 ( is the [...]
España se adhiere al Observatorio SKA (SKAO)
(We apologize, this information is only available in Spanish)
ESO User Committee Poll
Deadline: 26/03/2023 The Users Committee (UC) represents ESO's astronomical community providing a link between ESO and their users. On an annual basis the UC is seeking feedback through a [...]
Space and Science in Spain Workshop, ESA 2022 Conference
Starting Date: 10/10/2022 Ending Date: 10/10/2022 Place: Madrid Meeting Webpage
RIA keeps its status in the Maps of ICTS 2021-2024
The Astronomical Infraestructure Network (RIA) has passed the Comité Asesor de Infraestructuras Singulares (CAIS) evaluation and keeps its status within the "Mapa de de Infraestructuras Científicas y Técnicas Singulares (ICTS) [...]
11th IRAM millimeter interferometry School
From 21/10/2022 to 25/10/2022 The 11th IRAM millimeter interferometry school will be held November 21-25, 2022 at the IRAM headquarters (Grenoble, France). It is intended for students, post-docs and scientists [...]
TARSIS selected as the next generation instrument for the 3,5m telescope at Calar Alto
The Spanish Network for Spanish Astronomical Infrastructure (RIA, Red Española de Infraestructuras de Astronomía) is pleased to announce that the Calar Alto Executive Committee has selected TARSIS as the next [...]
Presentation of the Solar European Telescope (EST) and the documentary “Reaching for the Sun”
The Solar European Telescope (EST) was presented at the Residencia de Estudiantes del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) on May 3, 2022. EST is an ambitious project for a 4,2m in diameter [...]
Xavier Barcons seguirá al frente de ESO hasta el año 2026
Crédito: Academia Diplomática de Chile Entrevista a Xavier Barcons, sept 2020 El Consejo de ESO, reunido los días 8-9 junio, decidió unánimemente extender el mandato de Xavier Barcons como Director General [...]
Voyage 2050 sets sail: ESA chooses future science mission themes
ESA’s large-class science missions for the timeframe 2035-2050 will focus on moons of the giant Solar System planets, temperate exoplanets or the galactic ecosystem, and new physical probes of the early Universe. A call for [...]
El Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación aprueba una convocatoria para ICTS por 37 millones de euros
(We apologize, this information is only available in Spanish) Fuente: noticias MCIN El Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación ha aprobado una convocatoria para las Infraestructuras Científicas y Técnicas Singulares (ICTS) por 37 millones de [...]
“Protocolo general de actuación para la gestión y coordinación de la Red de Infraestructuras de Astronomía”
Con fecha 7 de junio de 2021, se ha publicado en el Boletín Oficial del Estado el “Protocolo general de actuación para la gestión y coordinación de la Red de Infraestructuras de Astronomía” (en [...]
SKA news
**We apologize, this information is only available in Spanish** El próximo 31 de mayo, a las 9.30 am, tendrá lugar el webinario "2021: arranca la construcción de SKA". Organizado conjuntamente por CDTI E.P.E y el [...]
SKAO is born
Nighttime composite image of the SKA combining all elements in South Africa and Australia. Credit: SKAO, ICRAR, SARAO Published at: SKAO Global Headquarters, Jodrell Bank, UK, Thursday 4 February 2021 – The SKA [...]