
Singular Scientific-Technical Infrastructures (ICTS)

Yebes observatory


Spanish Astronomical Centre in Andalusia


Institut de Radio Astronomie Millimetrique


Gran Telescopio Canarias


Roque de los Muchachos Observatory


Teide Observatory


Observatorio Astrofísico de Javalambre


International Infrastructures and Organizations (IOI)

European Southern Observatory


European Space Agency


It is also the Network’s objective to coordinate studies related to future Ground-based Astronomy ICTS, among others listed in ESFRI.
The Network will also be coordinated with the Advisory Group to the ESA Scientific Program, whose objective is to harmonize the participation of Spain in the Scientific Program of the Agency and to advise the Spanish delegation in the Committee of that Program.
The Network will also ensure that the use of other infrastructures (recognized as ICTS or not) necessary for Astronomy is carried out in an optimal and coordinated manner. This section includes, for example, e-science (through the e-science network).