Start date: 26/11/2019

  End date: 27/11/2019


Campus de la Universidad de Alicante en San Vicente del Raspeig,

Edificio “Germán Bernácer”, Salón de actos (planta sótano).

X-ray Astronomy Group, University of Alicante

This meeting is supported by Conselleria d’Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport de la Generalitat Valenciana through the project AORG/2019/109 and by the Red de Infraestructuras de Astronomía through the project AYA2017-9068-REDI of the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.

Scientific goal

The XSA aims at gathering the Spanish community involved in X-ray Astrophysics, covering all subjects of X-ray Astronomy from observations to theory. Moreover, the Spanish X-ray astronomy community has demonstrated great capacity to (co-)lead space missions both technologically (instrumentation) and scientifically. Among them the key high energy telescopes of the next decade: Athena (Advanced Telescope for High Energy Astrophysics), ESA’s L-class mission to be launched in the 30’s; eXTP (Enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry) mission to be launched before 2025, including institutions from China, Europe and USA; or THESEUS (Transient High Energy Sky and Early Universe Surveyor) M-class mission selected by ESA for study and evaluation phase in May 2018. The first Spanish X-ray Astronomy meeting (SXA) was celebrated in Barcelona (2013) and, since then, it has been held as a biennial meeting (Santander, 2015, Granada, 2017) in order to foster the X-ray science and contribution to high energy missions, at national level. The SXA 2019 will be held at University of Alicante in November.

The meeting focuses on the science (observations, theory, multifrequency studies, synergies, etc) as well as updating the space missions status where Spanish contribution is relevant and identifying potential scientific synergies between X-ray missions and other contemporary missions in other wavelengths as well as ground/spatial facilities that will be operational simultaneously.

Invited speakers:

  • Elena Cuoco (European Gravitational Wave Observatory, EGO)
  • Norbert Schartel (European Space Astronomy Centre, ESAC)
  • Elisa Costantini (Netherlands Institute for Space Research, SRON, Utrecht)


  • X-ray astronomy archive data.
  • X-ray binaries, neutrons stars & pulsars.
  • Compact binaries and gravitational wave progenitors.
  • Spanish contribution to X-ray missions.
  • Gamma-ray bursts.
  • Stars & interstellar medium.
  • Novae & supernovae.
  • Active galactic nuclei & quasi-stellar objects.
  • Supernova remnants.
  • Synergies between X-ray astronomy and other Spanish astronomy communities.

Scientific Committee:

  • Francisco Carrera, IFCA (CSIC-UC), Santander, España.
  • Jorge Casares, IAC, Tenerife, España.
  • Rosario González, ESAC, Madrid, España.
  • Victoria Grinberg, University of Tübingen, Alemania.
  • Peter Kretschmar, ESAC, Madrid, España.
  • Martín Guerrero, IAA-CSIC, Granada, España.
  • Margarita Hernanz, CSIC/ICE, Barcelona, España.
  • Silvia Mateos, IFCA (CSIC-UC), Santander, España.
  • Nanda Rea, University of Amsterdam, Países Bajos.
  • José Miguel Torrejón, Universidad de Alicante, España.

Local Committee:

  • Paula Benavídez, UA
  • Guillermo Bernabeu, UA
  • Ruben García, Observatorio Astronómico de Busot
  • María Martínez, UA
  • Covadonga Ordoñez, UA
  • Graciela Sanjurjo, UA
  • José Joaquín Rodes (co-Chair), UA
  • José Miguel Torrejón (co-Chair), UA
  • Ester Calle Martín, RIA

Important dates:

  • 9 September: second circular and open registration.
  • 18 October: third circular.
  • 31 October: abstract submission and travel grant application deadline.
  • 15 November: final programme announcement.
  • 15 November: close registration.
  • Meeting:
    • 26 November: 10:30 -17:30
    • 27 November: 9:00 -17:30

Credit: Rafael Arjones_Diario Información