Start date: 21/03/2012

 End date: 23/03/2012

  • Place: Sede del CDTI, c/ Cid 4 – 28001, Madrid
  • Organizer: Carme Jordi, Francesca Figueras (Red Española de Gaia)
  • Description:
    (*) ICTS= Unique Scientific and Technological Infrastructures (from the Spanish acronym “Instalación Científica Técnica Singular”)Presentations

    ESA’s Gaia mission with expected launch in 2013 will provide complete and thorough census of our Galaxy. The accuracy of proper motions and parallaxes, a couple of orders of magnitude better than its predecessor Hipparcos will allow the detailed study of the history of formation and evolution of the Galaxy. And, as it is well known, also will have an enormous impact in many fields such as fundamental physics, stellar physics, the solar system, etc.The preparation of the mission and the data processing currently involves over 500 scientists and engineers under the Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC). In late 2012, ESA will issue the AO for the consortium responsible for the publication of the science alerts data, and intermediate and final catalogs. In parallel, in 2010, the community interested in the scientific exploitation of the network created GREAT, (funded by the ESF and the EU-FP7) and the Spanish community created the Spanish Network of Gaia (REG, MICINN). These networks focus on the interaction between the various teams by facilitating the exchange of knowledge from DPAC and the wider community and establish partnerships between teams from different institutions and countries with similar interests.

    The development of the mission, the scientific exploitation and the monitoring of alerts need complementary data from ground. With this goal, GREAT presented a proposal for VLT-FLAMES instrument in the “Call for Spectroscopic Surveys of ESO.” It was granted with 300 nights over 5 years to obtain spectra of stars in open clusters and the field in privileged directions, thus allowing detailed study of stellar populations in the Galaxy. Similar initiatives would be desirable for the northern hemisphere and initiatives to meet the needs of other scientific aspects (IR absorption, NEO tracking, novae, supernovae, …).


    Bringing together scientists involved in the development of the mission (preparation and scientific exploitation) with the managing agents of ICTS to evaluate

    • the needs of the Spanish community in Gaia
    • the feasible contributions in the current and future context of Spanish ICTS.


    By the intersection of the theme of this meeting with that of Science with the optical-infrared telescopes at CAHA and ORM in the coming decade , the two meetings will be held in conjunction with the following format:

    • March 21: Contribution of Spanish ICTS to Gaia
    • March 22 and 23: Joint Meeting

    See program below.

    Scientific Organizing Committee:

    • Carme Jordi (UB-ICC-IEEC, REG, GREAT, DPAC)
    • Francesca Figueras (UB-ICC-IEEC, REG, GREAT, DPAC)
    • Jesús Martín Pintado (Manager of the Space area of the Spanish National R&D&i Plan)
    • Rafael Bachiller (Manager of the A&A area of the Spanish National R&D&i Plan)
    • Carlos Martínez Roger (ORM)
    • David Barrado (CAHA, REG, GREAT)
    • Alex Oscoz (OT)

    Local Organizing Committee:

    • Pilar Román (CDTI)
    • Esther Calle (RIA)
    • Francesca Figueras (UB-ICC-IEEC)
    • Carme Jordi (UB-ICC-IEEC)
    • M. Dolores Balaguer-Núñez (UB-ICC-IEEC)


    • Entries are free.
    • The application form is provided below.
    • Deadlines:
      • March 5, with presentation
      • March 15, without presentation

    The following Attachments are common for both meetings and will be updated as progress is made in the preparations for the meetings.

    The details of accommodation and other organizational issues can be found in the attachment “Accommodation and logistics”.

  • More information:
  • Attachments::