Start date: 22/03/2012
End date: 23/03/2012
Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos (ORM)
Centro Astronómico Hispano-Alemán (CAHA)
- Place: Sede del CDTI, c/ Cid 4 – 28001, Madrid
- Organizer: Marc Balcells, Matilde Fernández
- Description:
We intend to provide a framework for Spanish astronomers to present and discuss science programmes they intend to carry out in the coming decade with mid-size telescopes with Spanish ownership. Most notably at the Observatories of Calar Alto and Roque de los Muchachos, using existing or planned instrumentation. The workshop should serve as a meeting point between scientists, observatory managers and funding agencies, where we gather first-hand knowledge of the use requested from our mid-size telescopes.
Telescope Facilities will outline their plans for the next decade, while users will make presentations focussing on: science plans, instrumentation needs (what instruments are most interesting; what level of diversity is deemed necessary), choices of distribution of observing time (e.g. fraction of time needed for large surveys), and observing modes (visitor vs service modes).
We will also cover aspects such as synergies with larger and smaller telescopes, the advantages and disadvantages of of telescope specialisation into few instruments. The programme has plenty of time for open discussions.
We will combine standard-duration presentations with ultra-short talks (2 transparencies) to maximise the number of presentations that can be fitted in the time available. There will also be space for posters.
Please note, this workshop will take place back to back with the workshop Spanish ICTS contribution to ESA’s Gaia mission, given that topics are complementary. We encourage attendants to come to both.
Scientific Organizing Committee:
- Marc Balcells (ING; coordinador)
- David Barrado Navascués (CAHA)
- Matilde Fernández (IAA)
- Alfonso López Aguerri (IAC)
- Carlos Martínez Roger (IAC)
- Francisco Najarro (CAB)
- Ismael Pérez Fournon (IAC)
Local Organizing Committee:
- Pilar Román (CDTI)
- Esther Calle (RIA)
- Entries are free.
- The application form is provided below.
- Deadlines:
- March 5, with presentation
- March 15, without presentation
The following Attachments are common for both meetings and will be updated as progress is made in the preparations for the meetings.
The details of accommodation and other organizational issues can be found in the attachment “Accommodation and logistics”.
- More information:
- Attachments::
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