Deadline: 15/09/2010
- Description: Convocatoria ESO de ref. CFP/ESO/10/10957/CNI
ESO invita a todos los Institutos interesados dentro de los Estados miembro de ESO a enviar sus propuestas para “Advanced Study for Upgrades of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)”.
Todos los detalles de la convocotoria se detallan en los archivos adjuntos:
– Cover letter ref. 10074/LET/CP/YWE-CNI;
– General Information and Instructions for the Preparation of the Proposal (Annex 1);
– Special Conditions Governing the Call for Proposals (Annex 2);
– Proposal Form (Annex 3);
– General Conditions Governing Invitations to Tender and Tenders, Munich, May 2007 (Annex 4);
– General Conditions of ESO Contracts, Munich, December 2009 (Annex 5);
– Acknowledgement of Receipt (Annex 6);
– Bidder’s Query Form (Annex 7).