MEGARA integration in GTC (video)
Start date: 19/09/2017
End date: 22/09/2017
Meeting place: Anfiteatro Julio Palacios (M2), Facultad de CC. Físicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Organizer: Armando Gil de Paz
MEGARA is the new integral-field and multi-object spectrograph for GTC, that will provide the telescope with an unprecedented combination of efficiency and spectral resolution (R=6000-20000) in the entire optical window.
During this meeting, the participants will hear about the main characteristics of the instrument, which is already installed at GTC, and its on-sky performance according to the latest commissioning results. All participants will have also the chance to present the science they plan to carry out with MEGARA, either as a contributed talk or a as porter. During the second half of the meeting, they will also learn on the MEGARA observing preparation tools (ETC, MOS configurator and Phase 2 tool) and on the data processing and quick analysis tools (Data Reduction Pipeline and Quicklook, respectively), which will be installed and executed throughout a total of three hands-on sessions.
Scientific organizing committee (SOC):
- Armando Gil de Paz (chair) – UCM
- África Castillo Morales – UCM
- Jesús Gallego Maestro – UCM
- Esperanza Carrasco Licea – INAOE
- Jorge Iglesias Páramo – IAA-CSIC
- Marisa García Vargas- FRACTAL S.L.N.E.
- Antonio Cabrera-Lavers – GRANTECAN
- Daniel Reverte Payá – GRANTECAN
Local organizing committee (LOC):
- Ainhoa Sánchez Penim (chair) – UCM
- Armando Gil de Paz – UCM
- África Castillo Morales – UCM
- Sergio Pascual Ramírez – UCM
- Cristina Catalán Torrecilla – UCM
- Bililign T. Dullo – UCM
- Nicolás Cardiel López – UCM
- Jorge Iglesias – IAA-CSIC
- Registration deadline: 15th July
- Meeting date: 19-22 September
This is a RIA supported workshop (AYA2015-71939-REDI): NO FEE is requested.
More information: