Start date: 13/10/2016
Place: Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC)
Organizer: Jorge Iglesias (IAA-CSIC) y Jesús Aceituno (CAHA)
Calar Alto observatory is an astronomical reference for the Spanish and international communities, because of the quality of its telescopes and astronomical instrumentation, which has been enlarged with the recent incorporations of PANIC (a wide-field NIR camera for the 2.2m and 3.5m telescopes) and CARMENES (a very high resolution spectrograph, working at visible and NIR wavelengths, especially designed to discover earth-like planets in the habitable zone). As of today, CARMENES is a unique instrument worldwide, and a key challenge that has driven the instrumentation of the observatory to the cutting edge of the astronomical technology.
In addition to PANIC and CARMENES, Calar Alto observatory offers a wide variety of instruments among which we can mention here the Integral Field Unit PMAS-PPAK; the CAFE and CAFOS spectrographs or the imagers BUSCA and LAICA. The current exploitation planning for CARMENES is already set up until 2019. Beyond this date the observatory will incorporate the new instrumentation and its new legacy projects, which should become then a reality in order to keep the telescopes – and the observatory as a whole – at the highest competitive level.
For this reason the time has arrived to propose and select the last generation and unique instrumentation the community considers the optimum one to perform front-line scientific projects unaffordable in other observatories. To this respect we should bear in mind that Calar Alto is especially suited to develop ambitious projects, allowing important amounts of observing time to be allocated to large projects and international legacy programs selected on scientific merits.
This workshop is the starting point for this next stage of the observatory, and will open the debate in the Spanish and international communities to select the best proposals for the new instrumentation of the observatory and for most challenging Legacy projects.
Scientific organization:
We plan a total of 60 participants. Oral contributions will be selected by the SOC on the basis of the abstracts submitted. All the contributions will be made public electronically after the workshop by the RIA web, including a summary paper with the fundamental questions raised and main conclusions achieved in the workshop.
The workshop is structured in three main sessions:
Session I.- Proposals for new instrumentation at Calar Alto telescopes
Session II.- New legacy projects with Calar Alto facilities
Session III.- Calar Alto and technology companies
Confirmed invited speakers include:
L. Drissen (U. Laval), A. Gil de Paz (UCM), K. Meisenheimer (MPIA), J. Torra (UB), M. Roth (AIP)
Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC):
J. Aceituno (CAHA, co-chair), J. Iglesias (IAA-CSIC, co-chair), G. Bergond (CAHA), N. Cardiel (UCM), A. Díaz (UAM), L. Drissen (U. Laval), O. Muñoz (IAA-CSIC), A. Pasquali (U. Heidelberg), M. Roth (AIP), C. Turon (OPM), J.M. Vilchez (IAA-CSIC), A. Zurita (U. Granada)
Local Organizing Comittee (LOC):
A. Guijarro (CAHA Co-chair), C. Kehrig (IAA-CSIC co- chair), S. Duarte (IAA-CSIC), E. Pérez-Montero (IAA-CSIC), G. Bergond (CAHA) J. Iglesias (IAA-CSIC), J. Aceituno (CAHA), E. Calle (RIA).
This is a RIA supported workshop (AYA2014-53365-REDT): NO FEE is requested.
Registration and abstract submission:
Register and provide the abstract of your proposed contribution using the registration form to be found in the link below; also you can contact the organization via email ( before that date. The deadline for registration is September 25th. If you have any question just use the email address provided above.
Important dates:
- Registration open: 27 June
- Registration and abstract submission deadline: 25 September
- List of participants and workshop program 2nd announcement: 14 September
- Venue and final program 3rd announcement: 3 October
- Workshop: 13-14 October 2016
More information: