Start date: 11/02/2009

 End date: 13/02/2009

  • Place: Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC), Granada
  • Organizer: Lourdes Verdes Montenegro (IAA-CSIC)
  • Description:

    The Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) will be the largest international ground based telescope ever built. With its unprecedented capabilities, ALMA will be a key instrument for studying a broad range of phenomenae in the extragalactic Universe, from the molecular gas kinematics in circumnuclear regions and its connection with active galactic nuclei to the formation of the earliest galaxies at z ~ 10.

    This workshop aims to bring together those scientists from the Spanish extragalactic community which are potentially interested in ALMA, but not necessarily specialized in radio astronomical observations.

    The main goal of this workshop is to provide an overview of those aspects of ALMA that will be of interest for the extragalactic community in the very near future (~2012). During the workshop contributions from national and international invited speakers will present these topics from the point of view of non-radioastronomers. It is
    also intended to provide a forum where spanish extragalactic astronomers can present and discuss their ideas on how ALMA can complement their current projects. With this aim we consider that your participation will play a fundamental role, either as an oral communication or a poster, even only with your attendance since several discussion sessions have been scheduled during the workshop.

    The deadline for registration is the 4th of February,only for posters and attendance with no presentation. The period for oral presentations has been already closed.

    The sessions will take place at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC) (see more information below).

    This workshop is financed by the RIA (Red de Infraestructuras en Astronomía) .

    There is not registration fee.

    • Scientific Organizing Committee:

    •    L. Verdes-Montenegro (IAA-CSIC) 

    •    J. Cernicharo (CAB-CSIC)

    •    A. Díaz (Univ. Autónoma Madrid)

    •    D. Espada (IAA-CSIC/CfA)

    •    A. Fernández Soto (IFCA-CSIC)

    •    S. García Burillo (OAN)

    •    S. Leon (IRAM)

    •    U. Lisenfeld (Univ. Granada)

    •    V. Martínez (Univ. Valencia)

    •    J. Masegosa (IAA-CSIC)

    •    C. Muñoz-Tuñon (IAC)

    •    A. Prieto (IAC)

    •   Local Organizing Committee :

    •    R. Aladro (IRAM-Granada)

    •    V. Espigares (IAA-CSIC)

    •    E. García (IAA-CSIC)

    •    J. Masegosa (IAA-CSIC)

    •    D. Riquelme (IRAM-Granada)

    •    J. E. Ruiz del Mazo (IAA-CSIC)

    •    J. Sabater  (IAA-CSIC)

    •    S. Sánchez (IAA-CSIC)

    •    L. Verdes-Montenegro (IAA-CSIC)

  • More information:
  • Attachments::