Start date: 15/09/2008

 End date: 16/09/2008


  • Place: Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC), Granada
  • Organizer: Emilio J. Alfaro Navarro (IAA) y Jordi Cepa Noguer (IAC)
  • Description: 
    The GTC and its Spanish optical Day One instrument OSIRIS will be available for the Spanish astronomical community at the beginning of 2009.

    A full knowledge of the instrument characteristics, its practical use and the practical data reduction procedures, allow achieving an optimal scientific

    exploitation and obtaining the best results from the special features and observing modes that distinguish this instrument

    The aim of this workshop is to provide hands-on training ranging from the initial steps of preparing the observations, using tools such as exposure time

    estimators, the OPMS and the mask designers, all through obtaining the final calibrated data using specific techniques and data reduction programs.

    Number of attendants

    Given the characteristics of the workshop, highly practical, a fruitful training can be attained only for a limited number of participants. For this reason, the number of attendants is limited to a maximum of 40. The participants will be selected according to the arrival of the registrations.


    A limited number of grants could be available for students.

  • More information:
  • Attachments::