Fecha de comienzo: 15/07/2013
End date: 16/07/2013
- Place: Salón de Actos del edificio de cabecera del Parc Cientific, Paterna (Valencia)
- Organizer: J.M. Rodríguez Espinosa y C. Muñoz-Tuñón
- Description:CanariCam is the thermal Infrared instrument at the GTC. It’s one of the very few thermal IR instrument in large telescopes. CanariCam offers, besides imaging and spectroscopy, both Polarimetry and Coronagraphy, which makes it unique at 10m class telescopes.The aim of this workshop is to help the community at large to become acquainted with the science that can be done in the mid-IR regime and with the opportunities offered by CanariCam.
The workshop will describe the science and scientific observations in the Mid-IR, practicalities of the observations with CanariCam and the GTC, utilities for dealing with the CanariCam data, as well as examples of successfulscience currently being done with CanariCam.
Several experts and leading actors of the Mid-IR wavelenght range will be present at the workshop, including Pat Roche (Oxford), Nancy Levenson (Gemini), Rafael Rebolo (IAC), Chris Packham (Texas), Carlos Alvarez (GTC), Almudena Alonso (Cantabria), Cristina Ramos (IAC), Omaira González (IAC), & Ismael Pérez-Fournón (IAC)
Contributed abstract are welcomed. We also encourage people attending this workshop to stay for the rest of the Astrophysics Symposium.
Invited Speakers:
- Patrick Roche, U. Oxford
- Chris Packham, U. Texas San Antonio
- Nancy Levenson, Gemini, Hawaii
- Carlos Álvarez Iglesias, GTC, La Palma
- Cristina Ramos Almeida, IAC, La Laguna
- Omaira González Martín, IAC, La Laguna
- Rafael Rebolo, IAC, La Laguna
- Almudena Alonso Herrero, IFCA-CSIC, Santander
- Ismael Pérez Fournón, IAC, La Laguna
- More information:
- Attachments::
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