Deadline: June 11, 2018

Calar Alto is looking for competitive science cases and associated instrumentation concepts for its flagship telescope, the CAHA 3.5m.

On May, 11th 2018 a call soliciting letters of intent from proposing teams that will be evaluated by a Scientific Advisory Committee, which will recommend the most promising science-case/instrument has been published.

Junta de Andalucía and University of Almeria (in close collaboration with CAHA and IAA-CSIC) will provide 100k€ to fund up a design study.

The letter of intent, with a maximum extent of 5 pages,  should present:  1) the science case, 2) general technical specifications, and 3) an indication of the consortium/management plan. Teams should also indicate their end-to-end strategy for the project: hardware, telescope implementation, observing strategy, analysis software, and science exploitation.

More information:

Announcement at CAHA web site

 Call for Letters-CAHA 2018