Start date: 20/02/2012
End date: 22/02/2012
- Place: Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía – CSIC (Granada)
- Organizer: David Barrado
- Description:
Summary :
After the large photometric surveys set up in the last two decades (e.g. SDSS, 2MASS, WISE), the next challenge for the astronomical community is imposed by the necessity to obtain high quality spectroscopy (in terms of medium to high signal to noise ratio and spectral resolution) for large areas of the sky.
The combination of both (photometric and spectroscopic) sets of data will allow the solution of open key problems like the assembly and evolution of galaxies, the BAOs, and stellar archeoastronomy, among others.
In the two first cases, previous (or already proposed) studies are focused on multiband imaging at different spectral ranges (e.g. SDSS imaging survey, WISE, PAU, etc), or to low resolution single aperture spectra covering the brightest fraction of the photometric ones (e.g., the spectroscopic SDSS covers only 20% of the photometric SDSS). As a result, the information provided by these data must be complemented with data (a) of better spectral resolution (e.g. search for supermassive blackholes), (b) with a larger spatial coverage (e.g. IFUs to resolve properties of nearby objects, as it is the case of CALIFA – an ongoing legacy project in CAHA – or MaNGA), and (c) deep enough to observe low surface brightness galaxies (to ensure completeness of galaxy samples at low luminosities).
The stellar case will be dominated by the results of the GAIA mission, which will provide astrometry for around one billion stars down to magnitude V=20, but radial velocities and chemical abundances only for restricted subsamples. Under these conditions, a massive acquisition of spectroscopic data is essential to take profit of the enormous GAIA potential.The importance for large spectroscopic surveys has been highlighted in the “Astronet infrastructure road map” and “Science Vision for European Astronomy” reports (e.g. SV B7 at Moreover, it is also a challenge for the Spanish astronomical community to lead the efforts oriented to shed light on some of the previously mentioned key questions.With the aim of satisfying these astronomical requirements, the Centro Astronómico Hispano-Alemán has performed a conceptual design (funded by the Spanish MICINN) of a large aperture 6.5m telescope, and also explored several instrumental concepts, always on the basis of medium to high MOS spectral resolution (5000 < R < 40000).Objectives :
The main goals of this meeting are:
- to present the HEXA 6.5m telescope to the Spanish astronomical community,
- to identify the scientific cases that will define the specific requirements of the telescope and its associated instrumentation,
- the define the scientific team, and
- to start the preliminary design activities.
Scientific Organizing Committee :
- D. Barrado (CAHA)
- M. Fernández (IAA-CSIC)
- J. Aceituno (CAHA)
- J. Iglesias (IAA-CSIC)
- U. Thiele (CAHA)
- S. Sánchez (CAHA)
- S. Pedraz (CAHA)
- D. Galadí (CAHA)
- M. Mas-Hesse (CAB-INTA/CSIC)
- A. Gil de Paz (UCM)
- L.M. Sarro (UNED)
- R. Bachiller (OAN)
- G. Yepes (UAM)
- I. Negeruela (Univ. Alicante)
- C. Figuras (Univ. Barcelona)
Local Organizing Committee:
- J. Iglesias (IAA-CSIC)
- D. Barrado (CAHA)
- J. Aceituno (CAHA)
- D. Galadí (CAHA)
- B. Ascaso (IAA-CSIC)
- J. C. Suárez (IAA-CSIC)
- R. Duffard (IAA-CSIC)
- E. Calle (RIA)
Invited speakers:
- Sofía Randich (Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, The Gaia-ESO Survey)
- Lutz Wisotzki (Science with MUSE)
- Other speakers (TBD)
- Registration is free.
- Death lines:
- 20th January: con presentación
- 10th February: sin presentación
- Please, send your request folloging the link below:
Please, find more information about accommodation and other organzing details at the attachment “interesting information”.
- More information:
- Attachments::
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