Deadline: 07/06/2018
The Observatory of Yebes announces the Call for Proposals to observe with the 40 m radiotelescope for the second semester of 2018 (July 1st – December 31st, 2018) in single-dish mode.
Proposal submissions: From May 7th to June 7th, 2018.
Access to the telescope is available to all qualified scientists, of any country. Observing time is assigned to applicants based on the recommendations of the IGN Yebes Program Committee (IYPC), which judges the scientific merit (and technical feasibility) of the observing proposals. Observers are NOT requested to visit Yebes to carry out their observations, which will be carried out in service mode.
Note: For the time being, all observations will be carried out in shared-risk mode. The Yebes Observatory cannot guarantee every accepted proposal will be carried out or pass the quality control assessment, although it will work on a best-effort basis to do so.