Deadline: 01/10/2008
- Description: Call for Proposals for observations at ESO telescopes during Period 83
The Call for Proposals for observations at ESO telescopes during Period 83 (1 April 2009 – 30 September 2009) has been released.
In this Period, two new instruments, SABOCA and APEX-SZ, both on APEX, are offered for the first time.
FORS-1 is no longer offered, but its polarimetric module has been transferred to FORS-2, on which its blue-optimized CCD will also be available for observations in Visitor Mode.
On La Silla, only Visitor Mode is supported, and the minimum run length of 3 nights will be strictly enforced: proposals including runs on La Silla telescopes with a duration of less than 3 nights will be rejected by the automatic proposal receiver.
Large Programme proposals are encouraged on the 3.6-m telescope and the NTT, and can now last up to four years. (The maximum duration of Large Programme proposals for Paranal and Chajnantor remains two years.)
Deadline for proposal submission is 1 October 2008, 12:00 noon CEST.
The full Call for Proposals and the ESOFORM electronic submission package can be obtained at link given below.
In order to avoid last-minute problems, users are strongly encouraged to fully verify their proposal well ahead of actual submission, using a preliminary version including all necessary fixed-format technical information, but possibly incomplete or with non-final text (see the ESOFORM manual for details).
- More information:
ESO call and electronic submission