Rome, Italy, Tuesday 12th of March 2019

 (Credit: SKA Organisation)

Countries involved in the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Project have come together in Rome for the signature of the international treaty establishing the intergovernmental organisation that will oversee the delivery of the world’s largest radio telescope.

Ministers, Ambassadors and other high-level representatives from over 15 countries have gathered in the Italian capital for the signature of the treaty which establishes the Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO), the intergovernmental organisation (IGO) tasked with delivering and operating the SKA.

News published at the SKA web site

Supporting statements

Inmaculada Figueroa, Deputy Vice-Director General of Internationalisation of Science & Innovation, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, Spain

“The Square Kilometre Array (SKA), the largest radio telescope on earth, will place humanity at the frontiers of knowledge of the Universe, taking us to a new era of revolutionary discoveries that will undoubtedly revolutionize many fields of astronomy and physics. To do so, the SKA will promote knowledge and innovation in key technology areas such as Big Data and High Performance Computing, among many others. On this important occasion of the signing ceremony of the the SKA International Convention, to which Spain has been kindly invited to participate, we would like to congratulate our partners, especially the signatory countries. We are proud to be part of the SKA family, and we expect to have the opportunity to join the Convention in the near future, facilitating the participation of the Spanish community of astronomers and technologists in the construction of the SKA: one of the greatest scientific adventures in the world in the coming decades.”