Publication date: 01/03/2018
The 42nd meeting of the ESO and ALMA-ESO Users Committee (UC) will be held in April 26-27.
The “special topic” of the 42nd ESO and ALMA-ESO UC meeting will be: ALMA
In order to receive your feedback, particularly from ESO and ALMA users, the UC has prepared a poll (see linl below). Your comments and suggestions will be considered and presented to the Director General of ESO during the UC meeting in April. The poll will be active until March 26th.
In case you want to raise specific issues that do not fit within the poll, do not hesitate to contact María Rosa Zapatero Osorio (mosorio(AT) directly.
If you are willing to be part of the ESO panels and OPC for the evaluation of proposals, you may indicate it while filling in the poll or you may contact your national representative in the UC.
- More information: