Cherenkov Telescope Array


The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) project is part of the ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) roadmap. In the document “Building up the Science of the XXI Century”, which outlines the priorities for Spain within the ESFRI roadmap, the Ministry of Science and Innovation gives a “high” priority to this project.

CTA will be the first ground-based observatory working in Very High Energy gamma-ray Astronomy and it will replace its precursors, MAGIC and HESS. Because of its special features, this is a project which brings together scientific-technical interests of two communities: Astrophysics and Particle Physics.

The tasks of this working group are:

  • To channel and enhance the scientific interest in Spain for this project, promoting and coordinating all the initiatives coming from the Spanish research community.
  • To identify possible ways of participation in the construction, operation and scientific exploitation of the CTA project, including possible industrial returns.
  • To keep the RIA promptly informed about all initiatives taken concerning the Spanish participation in the CTA and also about the evolution of the project itself.


The membership of this working group will be:

  • Four scientists of the research community who represent the different domains of interest of this project, in particular, the Astrophysics and Particle Physics areas, and also the geographical distribution of the project.
  • The manager of the Particle Physics area at MINECO.
  • A MINECO collaborator in the Astronomy area.
  • An observer from the MINECO international area.
Name Position Affiliation
Mario Martínez Chair/ Manager of the Particle Physics at MICIU MICIU
Manel Martínez Member IFAE
Marc Ribó Member UB
Diego F. Torres Member ICE-CSIC
Javier Berdugo Member CIEMAT
Ramón García López Member IAC
Javier Echávarri Member CDTI
Guadalupe de Córdoba MICIU International area MICIU
Francisco Herrada MICIU substitute MICIU