Deadline: 15/03/2009

  • Description: Call for Proposals for the Fall 2009 Semester

    Calar Alto Observatory is pleased to announce the Call for Proposals for the Fall 2009 Semester (1 July – 31 December 2009).

    Applicants from astronomical institutes across the world are invited to apply at:

    Calar Alto offers a large array of state-of-the-art optical and near-infrared instruments, with science ready pipelines for some of the instruments (e.g., the integral field unit PMAS/PPAK). Service Mode observations are available and encouraged.

    The quality of the Calar Alto sky was recently measured and is on par with other top observing sites in the optical ( and NIR (

    Calar Alto is currently in the process of defining a Legacy Survey with the integral field unit PMAS/PPAK, and a workshop to present and discuss ideas will take place in Heidelberg on April 24th 2009. If you feel you would like to contribute and be involved you are very welcome to attend. More information will appear on our web pages soon.