Job vacancies
December 2020
Operator for the CTA LST-1 Telescope
Deadline: 20/12/2020 Institution: Institut de Física d'Altes Energies (IFAE) The LST collaboration has an immediate opening for a person to contribute onsite to the night operation of the LST-1 Telescope. The Operator that will [...]
October 2020
Titulado Superior para apoyo a la Dirección en el Plan Estratégico de los Observatorios de Canarias
(we apologize, this information is only available in Spanish) Fecha límite: 17/11/2020 Descripción: Resolución de la Dirección del Consorcio Público Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias por la que se convoca proceso selectivo para la [...]
Puestos de doctorado FPI en varios centros
(we apologize, this information is only available in Spanish) Queremos llamar vuestra atención sobre las múltiples ofertas para hacer el doctorado en Astronomía y Astrofísica en diversos centros de investigación. La convocatoria FPI2020 admite [...]
August 2020
IRAM 30-meter Deputy Station Manager
IRAM is seeking an experienced telescope engineer or observational astronomer for the Deputy Station Manager (DSM) position of the IRAM 30‑meter telescope (Pico Veleta and Granada, Spain). The candidate should be an experienced engineer [...]
LOW AIV Lead Engineer
Position: LOW AIV Lead engineer Job Location: Australia - initial period in UK Closing Date: 28/08/ 2020 More information: please, find the full announcement at this link
Job opportunities at the GTC
The government-owned company Gran Telescopio de Canarias S.A. (GRANTECAN) is interested in identifying suitable candidates for the jobs listed at this link. These jobs are open to people of both sexes. [...]
Job opportunities at the Observatorios de Canarias
Please, check here all the Job Offers at IAC and OOCC (Observatorios de Canarias)
Job offers at Calar Alto and IAA-CSIC
Please, check here all the Job Offers at the Calar Alto Observatory. Please, check here all the Job Offers at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC) [...]
ESO vacancy notices
Updated on: 29/06/2021 The European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere (ESO) announces 7 job advertisements: Internships: Science Journalism in Chile, Santiago HR Operations Assistant, Santiago Human Resources Advisor, [...]
ESA vacancy notices
Job opportunities anounced by The European Space Agency (ESA): ESTEC (Noordwijk, The Netherlands) ESA Headquarters (Paris, France) ECSAT (Harwell, United Kingdom) ESAC (Villanueva de la Cañada, Spain) ESOC (Darmstadt, Germany) ESRIN (Frascati, Italy) [...]
Job opportunities at SKA
Please, find all the details about SKA job opportunities at the link: SKA Observatory Recruitment Portal
Job opportunities in EUCLID mission
Publication date: 27/02/2018 Please, follow the next link to get information about job vacancies related to the ESA Euclid Mission: Euclid Career Opportunities
Job opportunities in PLATO mission
Open call: PLATO Engineer for Data Processing position open at LESIA – Observatoire de Paris Previous positions: PLATO job opportunities
March 2020
The International Space Science Institute (ISSI) Director
Deadline: 15/04/2020 The International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern, Switzerland, invites applications for a full-time position of Director, starting August 1, 2021. The appointee will be a member of the Directorate of ISSI [...]
August 2018
Ayudante de coordinación de la participación española en el SKA
(We apologize, this information is only available in Spanish) Puesto: Ayudante de coordinación de la participación española en el SKA. Institución: Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC), Granada, España. Contacto: Lourdes Verdes-Montenegro Envío de solicitudes: los candidatos deben [...]
July 2018
ISSI Executive Director vacancy
Deadline: 30/09/2018 The ISSI Board of Trustees advertises the position of Executive Director to succeed the former Executive Director Rafael Rodrigo who has been called to some high governmental responsibilities in his country. "Announcement [...]
June 2018
CTA-North Site Manager
Deadline: 27/07/2018 The CTAO offers a Site Manager position at ORM. As a member of the CTA construction project, and later CTA operations, the CTA-North Site Manager has a key role in building [...]
April 2018
PLATO Data Center: Database Software Developer
Database Software Developer to work for the PLATO Data Center Institution: Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS), Göttingen, Germany Deadline: 31 May 2018 More information
February 2018
Opening of an LST Telescope Manager Position
Deadline: 10 March 2018 The LST collaboration constructs a fully functional Large Size Telescope prototype for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) in La Palma, Spain, at the premises of the Observatorio del [...]
June 2017
Director of GRANTECAN
Deadline: 14th July 2017 The Board of Directors of Gran Telescopio de Canarias, S.A. (GRANTECAN) invites applications for the position of “Director of GRANTECAN”. More information
September 2015
Support Astronomer for the GTC
Deadline: 30/09/2015 Description: GRANTECAN announces the intention to contract one Support Astronomer for the GTC: More information: Detailed information
January 2015
Open position of Director of GRANTECAN
Publication date: 27/01/2015 An open position of Director of GRANTECAN is announced at the GTC web pages: More information: Call details
July 2011
ESA Research Fellowship Programme
Publication date: 07/07/2011 The European Space Agency awards several postdoctoral fellowships each year. The aim of these fellowships is to provide young scientists, holding a PhD or the equivalent degree, with the means of [...]
February 2011
Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI-MICINN)
Deadline: 21/02/2011 Description: Abierto plazo de solicitudes del 7 al 21 de febrero de 2011 Descripción general: El subprograma FPI ofrece ayudas para posibilitar la formación científica de aquellos titulados superiores universitarios que deseen realizar [...]
September 2008
FECYT job offer
Deadline: 10/09/2008 Description: Software Engineer for the FECYT The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) has an oppen possition for a Software Engineer to develop the following tasks: Development of next generation astronomical tools [...]