Publication date: 15/04/2011
Latest news at ALMA Electronic Newsletter:
- Introduction
- Focus on
- Announcement of the ALMA Cycle 0 Call for Proposals
- ALMA in Depth
- The Life-Cycle of an ALMA Project
- Who’s who
- The ALMA Regional Centers (ARC). The interface between ALMA and the science community worldwide
- ALMA Events
- Tutorials and Workshops in Preparation for Early Science
- Recent events in North America
- Recent events in Europe
- Recent events in East Asia
- Progress at the ALMA site
- Tribute: Jorge May
- Job opportunities
- Upcoming events:
- Sixth NAIC/NRAO School on Single-Dish Radio Astronomy | Jul 10/16
- Star formation – near and far | 6th IRAM 30m Summer School | Sept 23/30
- More information: