The ESO and ESO-ALMA Users Committee (UC) meeting number 44 was held on 29-30 April 2020 via video-conference due to the Covid-19 pandemia.
National representatives met via videoconference with ESO and ALMA heads of departments and with ESO Director General (DG) to advise the DG on matters pertaining to the performance, scientific access, operations and data management facilities of the La Silla Paranal Observatory and ALMA.
The agenda and presentations are available at this URL.
These are some highlights of the UC meeting 44 (UC44) that ESO and ESO-ALMA users should be aware of:
- The recommendations made by the UC is available in this report.
- Important information on the future refereeing process: the Distributed Peer Review (DPR) that appears as a significant concern from all ESO communities
- A new science portal for ESO archive is available at this URL. Users are welcome to browse archival data and report any issue with ESO
- Results from the ESO-UC Poll 2020 from the Spanish community are now summarised in this document.
- The latest news related to ESO operations are collected at this URL. All users should refer to this website before contacting ESO or ESO UC representatives, especially during those times of pandemic.
- In response to UC recommendations from previous meeting (UC43), please read the document “ESO replies to the recommendations made by the UC meeting 43rd“.
- Next chair of the UC is Arjen van der Wel (Belgium representative).